Huddersfield Chronicle (21/Jul/1860) – The Projected Branch Railway to Meltham and Meltham Mills

The Projected Branch Railway to Meltham and Meltham Mills

Another influential meeting ot the mill-owners and manufacturers was held at Meltham on Monday afternoon to discuss the considerations arising ont of the project ot a branch line of railway to the places above named, from the adjacent station of Lockwood, on the Lancashire and Yorkshire line. Chas. Brook, jun., Esq., J.P., occupied the chair, and the gentlemen present represented the wealth and influence of the district. The point which has prin-pally occupied attention since the last meeting has been the amount of tonnage which it is estimated the new line would he required, to convey, and the probable nature of the undertaking, considered as a commercial speculation. Considerable care has been taken to ascertain from facts and figures the amount of traffic on which the projectors might depend, and the conclusion is one which augurs well for the carrying out of tho project. From the extensive firm of Messrs. Jonas Brook Brothers alone the tonnage is sufficiently considerable to justify a far easier mode of transit than is at present in operation, even should the traffic continue at tho present rate ; and when it is considered that the traffic from other large firms will he proportionately extensive, and that, as in all other cases, the probability is that with the increased facilities traffic will very much increase, there can be little doubt that the Lancashire and Yorkshire Company will make a profitable investment, should they undertake the construction of the line. The conclusion come to by the meeting was that there was sufficient grounds on which to justify an appeal to the company for the construction of a line conformably with the wishes of the inhabitants, and the committee which has already been formed, was instructed to proceed and take steps accordingly.